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Posts tagged as “It Ain’t That Simple”

The Two Fear Channels

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Hoisted from a recent email thread with the estimable Jim Davies:

“You wrote to me once that the brain has two fear channels, cognitive and reactive. Do you have a citation I can look at for an introduction to that idea?”

So I didn’t have a citation off the top of my head, though I do now - LeDoux’s 1998 book The Emotional Brain - but I did remember what I told Jim: that we have two fear channels, one fast, one slow. The fast one is primarily sensory, reactive, and can learn bad associations which are difficult to unlearn, as in PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder); the slow one is more cognitive, deliberative, and has intellectual fear responses.

It turns out that it ain’t that simple, but I was almost right. Spoiling the lead a bit, there are two conditioned fear channels, the fast “low road” and slow “high road” and they do function more or less as I described: the low road has quick reactions to stimuli, a direct hotline from sensory processing in your thalamus to the amygdala which is a clearinghouse for emotional information; the high road involves the sensory cortex and confirms the quick reaction of the low road. The low road’s implicated in PTSD, though PTSD seems to involve broader areas of brain damage brought on by traumatic events.

Where that needs tweaking is that there’s also a third fear channel, the instructed or cognitive fear channel. This allows us to become scared if we’re told that there’s a tiger behind a door, even if we haven’t seen the fearsome beast. This one relies on an interaction between the hippocampus and the amygdala; if your hippocampus is damaged, you will likely not remember what you’re told, whereas if your amygdala is damaged, you may react appropriately to instruction, but you might not feel the appropriate emotional response to your situation (which could lead you to make poor choices).

So, anyway, that’s the gist. But, in the spirit of Check Your Work, let me show my work from my conversation with Jim.

Ok, I have an answer for you (description based on [Gazzaniga et al 2002], though I found similar information in [Lewis et al 2010]).

There are two fear channels: one involving fast sensory processing and one involving slower perceptual information. Based on the work of LeDoux [1996] these are sometimes called the "low road" (quick and dirty connection of the thalamus to the amygdala, a crude signal that a stimulus resembles a conditioned stimulus) and the "high road" (thalamus to sensory cortex to amygdala, a more refined signal which is more reliable); both of these channels help humans learn implicit conditioned fear responses to stimuli.

This "low road" and "high road" concept was what my understanding of PTSD is based on, that individuals acquire a fast low-road response to stimuli that they cannot readily suppress; I don't have a reference for you, but I've heard it many times (and it's memorably portrayed in Born on the Fourth of July when veterans in a parade react to firecrackers with flinches, and later the protagonist after his experience has the same reaction). A little research seems to indicate that PTSD may actually involve events traumatic enough to damage the amygdala or hippocampus or both, but likely involving other brain areas as well ([Bremner 2006], [Chen et al 2012]).

There's a couple more wrinkles. Even patients with amygdala damage have unconditioned fear responses; conditioned responses seem to involve the amygdala [Phelps et al 1998]. Instructed fear (warning a subject about a loud noise that will follow a flashing light, for example) seems to involve the hippocampus as well, though patients with amygdala damage don't show fear responses even though they may behave appropriately when instructed (e.g., not showing a galvanic skin response even though they flinch [Phelps et al 2001]). This amygdala response can influence storage of emotional memories [Ferry et al 2000]. Furthermore, there's evidence the amygdala is even involved in perceptual processing of emotional expression [Dolan and Morris 2000].

So to sum, the primary reference that I was talking about was the "low road" (fast connection from thalamus to amygdala, implicated in fast conditioned fear responses and PTSD, though PTSD may involve trauma-induced damage to more brain areas) and "high road" (slow reliable connection from thalamus to sensory cortex to amygdala, implicated in conditioned fear responses), but there's also a "sensory" path (conditioned fear response via the thalamus to the amygdala, with or without the sensory cortex involvement) vs "cognitive" path (instructed fear response via the hippocampus, which functions but shows reduced emotional impact in case of amygdala damage).

Hope this helps!

Bremner, J. D. (2006). Traumatic stress: effects on the brain. Dialogues in clinical neuroscience, 8(4), 445.

Chen, Y., Fu, K., Feng, C., Tang, L., Zhang, J., Huan, Y., ... & Ma, C. (2012). Different regional gray matter loss in recent onset PTSD and non PTSD after a single prolonged trauma exposure. PLoS One, 7(11), e48298.

Dolan, R. J., & Morris, J. S. (2000). The functional anatomy of innate and acquired fear: Perspectives from neuroimaging. Cognitive neuroscience of emotion, 225-241.

Ferry, B., Roozendaal, B., & McGaugh, J. L. (1999). Basolateral amygdala noradrenergic influences on memory storage are mediated by an interaction between β-and α1-adrenoceptors. The Journal of Neuroscience, 19(12), 5119-5123.

Gazzaniga, M.S., Ivry, R.B., & Mangun, G.R. (2002) Cognitive Neuroscience - The Biology of the Mind (2e) W. W. Norton & Company.

LeDoux, J. (1998). The emotional brain: The mysterious underpinnings of emotional life. Simon and Schuster.
Lewis, M., Haviland-Jones, J. M., & Barrett, L. F. (Eds.). (2010). Handbook of emotions. Guilford Press.

Phelps, E. A., LaBar, K. S., Anderson, A. K., O'connor, K. J., Fulbright, R. K., & Spencer, D. D. (1998). Specifying the contributions of the human amygdala to emotional memory: A case study. Neurocase, 4(6), 527-540.

Phelps, E. A., O'Connor, K. J., Gatenby, J. C., Gore, J. C., Grillon, C., & Davis, M. (2001). Activation of the left amygdala to a cognitive representation of fear. Nature neuroscience, 4(4), 437-441.
-the Centaur
Pictured: a few of the books I looked at to answer Jim’s question.

It Always Takes Longer Than You Expect

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So my wife and I talk - a lot - about life, the universe, and everything - and we decided we should try to capture some of our thoughts on the matter as a series of video blogs. I grabbed dinner at Aqui, she was grabbing dinner at home, and then we were going to get the studio set up so we could do a test run.

None of that happened as planned.

I was late leaving Aqui; I never got to run all my errands. Sandi started to cook eight-minute paste thirty minutes before I was scheduled to get home; I got home late and she was still cooking. I tried to get the software set up on the kitchen table while she finished up, hoping the two of us would both finish in time for a trial run in the great room which we planned to use.

When our time was up and it was time to go to the gym, I’d never left the kitchen table, and she’d never left the kitchen counter, working on her pasta, watching over my shoulder while I wrestled with the software. I did get it installed, and, in the end, we managed to capture a handful of screenshots and a few short videos, the longest of which lasted only five minutes.

I heard a study once which claimed that when it comes to estimation, there are two groups of people: optimists, who underestimate schedules by a lot, and pessimists, who only underestimate schedules by a little. Both groups in the study failed to estimate the actual time it would take them to complete the task.

This is a natural human instinct. My wife and I have speculated that people wouldn’t really ever take on large tasks if they knew how long they took — certainly in my experience in computing, if you give people a realistic schedule, they’ll either push back or even cancel the project. Now I freely admit I make mistakes - but when I've called bullshit on schedules, I have never been wrong.

Here’s a few rules of thumb for you:

  • If you’re estimating by the seat of your pants, you’re wrong. It will take longer.
  • If you need it done in a short amount of time, you’re out of luck. It will take longer.
  • If you’re an administrator and can crack the whip to get it done, quit fooling yourself. It will take longer.
  • If you’re estimating based on past experience, and you think it will take less time, you’re kidding yourself. It will take longer.
  • If you think there’s really good reasons it’s easier this time, you’re even wronger. It will take longer.
  • If, on the other hand, you’re an expert on this kind of thing, congratulations: you’re the wrongest. Thanks to the process of automatization, through which humans learn to become experts, your mind has abstracted away all the details of the problem so they’re out of sight, out of mind - so what seems easy and quick to you will take longest of all.

There is no substitute for a formal process of estimation. I personally use function point analysis (breaking tasks into small parts, estimating their cost, and applying a function that produces time) and Gantt charts (calendar-like diagrams showing people and length of tasks and their dependencies) to get an idea of how long things will take, and this gets a good estimate, even though as soon as you start work you have to rework the design and throw the Gantt chart away.

This process offends some I know who are really into “agile” development, in which you forgo that kind of formal planning in favor a more flexible approach involving user “stories" - but these people are fooling themselves. The point isn’t the Gantt chart, it’s going through the formal estimation exercise, getting a realistic estimate of both task complexity and dependency chains. I knew agile back when it was called “extreme programming,” and its techniques have only gotten more sophisticated - but REAL, experienced agile development uses a training process to get people up to speed and engages in estimation of the velocity of development. If you ape agile with daily standup and a few post-it notes, congratulations: you’re fooling yourself, your schedule will slip.

THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE FOR DECOUPLING THE PROCESS OF GENERATING TASKS AND ESTIMATING THEM. If you come up with tasks and score them on the spot, you’re flying by the seat of your pants, and will subconsciously generate estimates that show you will succeed.

You will not.

Once I dealt with a sharp CEO who recognized that I was right when I told him his three month project would take nine months. (I had to literally resign my position to get his attention, but that’s another story.) His response: ok, you’re right, it will take nine months - but we can’t track anything that long. We need three month milestones. Something we can see and manage. That way we’ll know we’re slipping. That’s what we did, that worked - and in nine months, we delivered, in three steps along the way. And, strangely enough, I find this is more generally true: in any given time period, I get about a third as much as I want to - but if I keep at it, and break things apart into smaller chunks, eventually I do get done.

So don’t imagine you can travel in time; instead, realize you need to take baby steps. Break your problem into the smallest chunks you can, relentlessly work on them to get them done, and doggedly track your next steps. You may not produce an hour-long video describing your views on life, the universe, and everything the first time you set out to do it, but maybe you can spend a pleasant evening getting your film studio set up, so that you’re ready to take the next step, when the time comes.

-the Centaur

Pictured: a shot of me and my wife. We tried to take a picture. We expected to take a couple. It took six shots, and I had to composite two of them together with four Photoshop layers to get a good one of both of us at the same time. :-P