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Posts tagged as “Strange Loops”


centaur 0
Way back in the dawn of time, the Library of Dresan looked very different. And I didn't just write all the articles ... I formatted all the HTML by hand. Now, thank goodness, publishing to my blog is easier than I ever imagined, back in the day (and no, I'm not going to snark about Blogger having as many problems then as now, it served me well for many years before it, well, finally stopped serving me well). SO ANYWAY, I'm reblogging all of the old articles of the Library, tagged now as, um, Reblogging. I will of course leave the original Articles up for historical interest and my eternal embarrassment. I mean, adding banner ads to my own site ... pointing to my own site! What was I thinking? Really, next I'll get so self-referential I'll be critiquing myself as I'm writing this! -the Centaur

Hitler finds out he’s being parodied

centaur 0

And it's one of the parodies he's ranting about. Recursion again!

Recursion, XKCD Style

centaur 0

Ok, this is a good runner up for the best definition of recursion. Douglas Hofstadter would be proud.

I think I'm going to start collecting these.

-the Centaur

Comic from xkcd, used according to their "terms of service":
You are welcome to reprint occasional comics pretty much anywhere (presentations, papers, blogs with ads, etc). If you're not outright merchandizing, you're probably fine. Just be sure to attribute the comic to
So attributed.

Hm. Does the xkcd terms of service apply to the xkcd terms of service? Is that a bit like a post about recursion referring to itself? How meta.

Best definition of recursion EVAH.

centaur 0
recursion did you mean recursion

For those that don't get it, recursion in computer science refers to a process or definition that refers back to itself. For example, you could imagine "searching for your keys" in terms of searching everywhere in your house for your keys, which involves finding each room and searching everywhere in each room for your keys, which involves going into each room and looking for all the drawers and hiding places and looking everywhere in them for your keys ... and so on, until there's no smaller place to search.

So searching for [recursion] on Google involves Google suggesting that you look for [recursion]. Neat! And I'm pretty sure this is an Easter Egg and not just a bug ... it's persisted for a long time and is geeky enough for the company that encourages you to "Feel Lucky"!

-the Centaur