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Posts tagged as “Drawing Every Day”

[drawing every day 2024 post forty]: stand your ground, redux

centaur 0

This time, I'm using one of my own drawings as a reference, the old "Stand Your Ground" t-shirt image, for which I recently found a scan of the original art from WAY back in the day (the scan was a BMP, !):

This is from 1997 (!). In some ways it's cruder; in other ways it benefits from the larger aspect ratio (I suspect this was done on 8.5x11 paper, or even larger). But my little notebook has been helping me draw every day:

And so: drawing every day. Onwards.

-the Centaur (the author one)

[drawing every day 2024 post thirty-nine]: last of this set

centaur 0

My rendering of the last pose from the DALL-E character sheet for Porsche:

Not entirely terrible, though I can see my proportions are a bit cartoonish. These systems can't take art direction yet - I had to clean the character sheet up in Photoshop to really make it suitable, and even then the middle pose should have had the legs more spread apart, which it tried to do erroneously on the right-hand pose with a fifth leg - but they sure can render the heck out of an image.

-the Centaur (the author one)

[drawing every day 2024 post thirty-seven]: porsche redux

centaur 0

Another sketch of Porsche, this one based on a "character sheet" I generated with Midjourney based on my own character descriptions. Yes, yes, I understand there are many issues with AI art generators, some of which are real and some of which are not; my own writing has been used to train large language models, I know artists who have been discouraged from art by generative AI, and I expect the use of these systems for final product will be very disruptive. HOWEVER, there are some things which AI generators can do which can't be feasibly done by any other method - such as producing character sheets for your own practice.

As I mentioned in an earlier blog post, I managed to convince ChatGPT / DALL-E to cough up the above "centauress in a spacesuit" drawing after many iterations, then got it to transform that image into the following character sheet of Porsche from several different angles:

It ain't perfect - note she has five legs on the right, and the perspective differences aren't really that well done - but it's close enough for me to use these as reference as I do my own drawing practice, shown at the very top. Seeing these "drawings" gives me new perspectives on how to render my own ideas at a higher level than I can currently do, enabling me to bootstrap my artistic skills.

There's a long way to go for AI generated art to be able to respond to art direction - but it is helping me chart a new direction in my own art, which is great, because if I can draw it, I can then art direct myself.


-the Centaur

[drawing every day 2024 post thirty-four]: the art in its environment

centaur 0

This small portable notebook has been working very well for me. I've augmented that with a small book of art examples (hands and feet, Goldman, right now) and a roll of the kinds of pens and pencils I use most:

The whole setup fits nicely in my bookbag, so there's no real excuse not to draw every day.


-the Centaur

Pictured: Wow, those took a long time to upload, even after I shrank them. I've had this happen before, where the network just decides it doesn't like certain images. It mostly happens at coffeeshops. I wonder why? Anyway, they uploaded now, so I'll stop talking. Enjoy,

[drawing every day 2024 post twenty-five]: belldandy again

centaur 0

Drawn from an image, not a screensaver, so I had more time; but no construction lines, so the face ended up kind of kwonkeldy. I believe that construction lines help close the loop; but the exercise here was to carefully pay attention to the hair shapes to see how it flowed. For that purpose, it came out okay.

Definitely room for improvement on my end!

-the Centaur

[drawing every day 2024 post twenty-four]: stay still damn it

centaur 0

I had a somewhat ruined piece of paper, not a lot of time, and there was an image of Belldandy from Ah My Goddess on my computer's screen saver, so I decided to draw that. Unfortunately, the screen saver kept changing, and even though there were several pictures of characters from the franchise, I couldn't quite keep the image straight.

Ah well, it's late, I'm tired, scan and send - keep drawing daily, no matter what.

Don't break the streak.

-the Centaur