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The Craft of Writing

Walt Disney hooked me on storytelling – at six, I walked out of The Apple Dumpling Gang wishing I could tell stories of my own.  Isaac Asimov turned those daydreams into a mission – at twelve, I read Asimov on Science Fiction and realized I want to be a writer.

Writing is the most pivotal human activity! Broad brush, humans conquered fire a million years ago, tools half a million years ago, articulate speech fifty thousand years ago – but it wasn’t until we could capture our thoughts and pass them on to people far from us in space and time that humanity really started to expand across the planet.

But writing didn’t stop at counting cows and recording lineages – creative writing is the most pivotal kind of writing there is! Humans learn about the world by sharing narratives, not just of what we’ve learned, but of what we might become – so the creation of sustained, realistic, compelling narratives is one of the most important things any human can do.

So, ever since I read Asimov on Science Fiction and realized I could be a writer myself, I’ve been on a mission: to promote creative writing in all its forms, and to help you realize you can be a writer too.

Pictured: The Night of Writing Dangerously.

Posts About Writing

[twenty twenty-four post one six one]: one more thing

So one thing here to remind myself to blog about it in more details – I attended a panel at the Nebulas on “Moving Beyond Milford” which was very useful.…

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[twenty twenty-four day one three one]: celebration!

Yay! The Neurodiversiverse Kickstarter funded, with two and a half days to go! And it has been amazing, after a month of slow but steady growth, that the Kickstarter continues…

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[twenty twenty-four day one two six]: working on the neurodiversiverse kickstarter

Hacking away at publicity for the Kickstarter for the Neurodiversiverse, which is at +80%! But that means we have almost a thousand dollars to go, and we’re really far from…

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viiictory, thirty-eight times …

Woohoo! I have successfully written 50,000 words in the month of April, completing my 38th writing challenge (counting November Nanowrimos, April/July Camp Nanos, and Script Frenzy). This was a pretty…

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[twenty twenty-four day one two one]: light at the end of the tunnel

Less than 3000 words to go on Camp Nanowrimo. This was a challenge, but we’re close to the end now. I think I was behind for essentially the entire month…

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[twenty twenty-four day one two zero]: aaalmost there …

Staying on target. Wrote 8,000 words yesterday, only ~5000 words left to go for tomorrow. Gonna try to put a bit more of a dent in that before I crash…

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[twenty twenty-four day one one nine]: still behind

Still trying to get ahead on WATCHTOWER OF DESTINY. Lots of progress today though, on multiple levels: a lot of words written, and some very good ideas for both this…

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[twenty twenty-four day one one seven]: still behind

Well, not as far behind as I’ve ever been, but, still, not good progress on Camp Nano this month. Quite a hill to climb, or, in this case, build. Onward!…

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[twenty twenty-four day one one five]: prioritizing wordcount

Way behind on word count, please enjoy this picture of sushi at One Flew South in the Atlanta airport. Lots of work to do, not much time left to do…

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The Neurodiversiverse Kickstarter is Still Going

Hey folks, this is a reminder that we still have a Kickstarter going for The Neurodiversiverse: Alien Encounters! While the campaign is running, you can reach it at or…

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