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Android mobile posting apps suck.

centaur 0

Avoid the cloud, the device. Eats my posts and notes, they do.

-the centaur

UPDATE: Now that I have a keyboard, here’s the story. I’m reading Twilight as an audiobook, and wanted to do a quick “story so far” review. (In 11 words with punctuation: Twilight isn’t bad – it’s delightfully concrete – but I’m not it’s demographic.) That’s short, so I thought I’d try a quick review while I was leaving the campus of The Search Engine That Starts With A G.

But the voice recognition got HILARIOUSLY bad. It was actually comical, like the phone was fighting my review of Twilight – at one point the phone confessed that it WAS Twilight. Go figure. Finally I got to the car, sat down, and in the quiet tried to finish the review – and lost the connection to the voice recognition server. Sighing, I started to type the last line – and then the screen went kazoo, the app went away, and the phone returned to the home screen. Frantically, I returned to the app.

Every. Word. Gone.

Now, that’s in part the fault of the WordPress Android app; it should have saved intermediate versions, like the WordPress web interface is doing every few minutes or so right now. But this isn’t limited to the WordPress app; it’s happened to me on other apps, in particular a note taking program. And in this case, I blame Android; from what happened to the screen and my experience with the software, I’m almost certain it was something in the main Android OS and not in the app itself that caused the app to go away (with the caveat that, again, it was the app’s responsibility to save versions.)

So: pfui on you, as Nero Wolfe might say. I’m still going to stick to Android, as I can in theory write my own app with its own save behavior and not have to give somebody a stevejob just to get it accepted into the App Store. (Note: the iPhone is a high quality piece of hardware and I no more dispute Steve’s right to mess it up with weird conditions than he disputes my right to use a buggier phone).