Axually, it’s Dakota’s dumb mouth at issue here, and while I’d love to include an extract … ssh, SPOLIERS! But the point being, the day after Thanksgiving, I’m back on track for National Novel Writing Month. And this includes an evening hanging out with my friends at the wonderful Nola restaurant I’m so fond of. No pictures of that (phone battery gave out) but I do have a followup picture from my solo excursion to Cocola Cafe in Santana Row, where I finished out today’s Nano:
I’ve done Nano enough times that I probably could have skipped today and even tomorrow if I wanted, just to hang out with my friends who are in town (staying at another friend’s house). But this “vacation” isn’t really a vacation for me: it’s a writecation. Writing really is like a second job now: if I want to be a writer, certain things have to get done. In this case, it’s Nano, and sending off acceptances and rejections for DOORWAYS TO EXTRA TIME:
You’ll note a little asymmetry there: my coeditor, who’s done this before, is way ahead of me contacting people about their stories. And those are just the acceptances. Argh. And then I’ve got to respond to Trish’s comments on my own story, which, while I was proud of it before, now looks like it will need a lot of work. Sigh. This is why I like working with editors, I tell myself, they make my stories better. Sob. At least Nano is on track:
Of course, the second half of the story is a complete salsa, and I don’t know where it’s going, but there’s a building, and it’s on fire, and it’s a spectral fire, that only starts once a year, and there’s William Blake’s spirit guide riding a tiger, and oh yeah Cinnamon wears a Santa hat, then threatens to punch him in the gut if she meets him in a dark alley. So yeah, I’m having fun, even if I briefly hit a little plateau there while recuperating from all that turkey.
Now, more mountain to climb! Onward!
-the Centaur