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Day 113

centaur 0

zeit poster v2

Technically not a drawing, but the outcome of some Photoshop experimentation to see if I could turn the Tangerine Dream Zeit album cover into an image suitable for a wall poster. I think it came out well, but the above version #2 – combining the original cover, back cover, and part of an alternate cover – seems a little more jumbled than my next try, version #3, just expanding the original cover a bit:

zeit poster v3

I like this simple version better, but I’m not committing to either right now; it was just an experimental idea to see if it was feasible, and also to practice some Photoshop. A final version would need a little more work on the blend of the cover, which is a quick hack right now.

Drawing, designing, Photoshopping every day.

-the Centaur

P.S. 1800 words. Starting to get a little more rhythm in the story. Rough draftiness:

Nyissa stood in the doorway, thin as a ghost, pale as paper, blood raining down her chin and spilling over her hospital gown like something out of a horror movie. A nurse stood behind her in fear, and for the briefest instant, I thought she’d awakened in the surgery and slain her doctors in a blood rage. But she held a dripping transfusion bag clenched in one hand, no doubt ripped from the IV stand she held for support.

Actually, the Zeit album inspired this scene, as the moody first track matched Dakota’s mood, and Nyissa awakens from her injuries when she hears Dakota distraught in the next room.

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