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… and may I say,

centaur 0

the amount of work needed to put up that one-word, one-image blogpost was entirely out of proportion to the amount of benefit involved. I have fixed site errors with fewer hoops than it took to publish something via the WordPress app, and the fix was actually uninstalling and reinstalling the app, which apparently had gotten into some kind of cruftly state in which it could no longer upload posts.

To be clear, I’m not picking on WordPress here. But I have a Ph.D in Artificial Intelligence and used to work on the front end of Google search. If I can’t post a one-word, one-image post on the world’s most popular blogging platform using their own easy-to-use official phone app, how are people who have not spent thirty-plus years in the industry supposed to get any work done?

This experience I just had – almost the simplest possible post not uploading after a few minutes – in another industry would be like … like .. like picking up a hammer and nailing one nail into a piece of wood, only to find the nails popping out a minute later and flying across the room. You ask your carpenter buddy, “what gives,” and they say, “Oh, that. You’ve got hammer voodoo going on there. Just take the hammer back to Home Depot, return it, and buy a new one. Then the nail will go in just fine.”

You know what? I’m going to learn from this.

I will endeavor to make the robots less irritating when something goes wrong.

-the Centaur

P.S. AAAA! And this post didn’t publish because the interface threw up an extra dialog box after I tried to publish, asking, “Are you sure?” I’m sure I didn’t need you throwing up that extra dialog box AFTER I left the page so I spent time looking for it on the home page when it hadn’t actually published at all. Aaaa!

It is not like riding a bike.

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