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[drawing every day 2024 post one two four]: draw me bro

centaur 0

When I sat down to draw today, I realized I’d never filled in the frontispiece and first page of my sketchbook because I was intimidated. SO! I set out to overcome that today. What you see above is as good as I can reproduce this without actually running it through a scanner – I am currently capturing these drawings by photographing them with my phone and then Photoshopping them into shape, not because I’m opposed to scanners, but because I’m trying to eliminate sources of friction that might prevent me from drawing and blogging the drawings every single day. Below is a closer picture of what the original looked like:

The red of the notebook front makes it hard to scan, but I think you get the gist. I used to do this with all my notebooks, but when I broke my arm (almost two decades ago now!) it broke my confidence, and eventually I stopped doing it. But the solution is to keep doing it – and to carve out enough time to draw so you have the time to do it, and not to feel bad about the time you have to take to do it.

Drawing every day, and getting confident enough at it to personalize my notebooks.

-the Centaur

Xiao, the protagonist of my stalled webcomic f@nu fiku, out for a jog.

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